Autumn Newsletter
Now water restrictions have been introduced in our area, many people feel concerned about how they will grow and maintain a beautiful garden. The good news is, water restrictions don’t mean you have to give up on your garden but it does mean we have to rethink how we use available water and it’s time we thought about recycling our water long term. Even if we receive good rain, it is such a waste to send it down the drain.
Grey is the waste water from showers, baths, spas, hand-basins, laundry tubs and washing machines. It doesn't include water from toilets, dishwashers and the kitchen sink – that's called black water.
Using grey water on your garden could help save hundreds of litres of water a day, keeping your wallet happy and the planet happier still.
Choice magazine tells us- washing machines account for almost a quarter of household wastewater - between 32 and 199 litres per wash (depending on your machine). So if you have a particularly thirsty washing machine and wash six times a week you could be sending up to 1199 litres of water down the drain every week (a fraction under a staggering 125,000 litres a year!) Add to that your shower and bath water, and you're soon up to 4000L a week for the average family of four.
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Trees absorb heat and sunlight and provide shade. A well-treed neighbourhood can negate the heat island effect of hard surfaces which increases temperatures by 3-7 degrees. It will also reduce energy bills for households from 15-35%. Trees create enjoyable spaces for health and recreation- Trees and green spaces lead to more exercise and healthier people. Residents in neighbourhoods with excellent parks are shown to be healthier and need less medical treatment and healthcare. Trees will shade us from the harmful effects of the sun, plus provide protection from light and moderate showers of rain.
Reduce stress- There is a calming influence in natural environments as well as an aesthetic value in trees.Gardening is good for our health. Urban trees not only provide all the benefits above but they are an integral part of the ecosystem, attracting and feeding our wildlife birds.
Our urban gardens can play a major part in the natural world, providing shelter and food for our native wildlife. The best way to nurture our local ecosystem is to provide food and water in your garden, even keeping part of your garden alive and adding a birdbath and low water bowl will help in harsh drought conditions.
Flowers produce nectar and pollen, the main diet for many adult insects and birds. Flowers are essential to grow native bee populations. Planting natives as well as other flowering plants is so very important. Our gardens are important for our health as well as our local wildlife.
Improving your garden soil structure_ Grow beautiful plants.
Seasol stimulates root growth and beneficial soil micro organisms.
Seamungus is a 100% organic product that undergoes a unique composting process, specifically developed to stabilise the nutrients.
SaturAid soil wetter makes water soak deep down at the root zone of garden beds, pots and lawns for stronger, deeper root systems. Soils become hydrophobic when they are dry for extended periods - particularly at this time of the year.Pea Straw- high nitrogen giving mulch, perfect for veggies or improving perennial gardens.
Sugar Cane Mulch is prepared from the leaves of sugar cane plants that are chopped to size. This product has very good mulch characteristics with an excellent ability to insulate the soil surface, conserve water and protect the soil.
Compost- adds organic matter back into your soil and improves water holding capability. Good for sandy or heavy dry soil.
Naked farmer soil activator- the best product for improving soil structure and increasing organic content for wonderfully healthy plants.
Worm Juice, Increases soil water retention, nutrient uptake, increases natural plant health.